Friday, November 9, 2012

Performance 4: Blind in Walmart

This is the longest video, but I thought this performance would be best left as a continuous shot to really show how difficult, and what a long process this was, even though I only had to find a few items.

The principles of design:
The main principle of design for this performance was the emphasis on how difficult something seemingly as simple as shopping can be without your eyesight. I am almost legally blind, (not my own "diagnosis" but from my eye doctor) and even I didn't think this performance would be as hard as it was. I had to depend on what little knowledge I had on the store, and colors to find things. I emphasized the difficulty the best that I could by using the contrast of the blurry setting and focused setting throughout the video. The performance was also shot as a continuous shot to emphasize the experience.
The variety of the shopping items added to the performance by sending me to different places of the store. The performance is meant to raise awareness that stores are designed in certain ways. You know that you depend on signs and prices, but do you think about the colors used? Or the position of items? Although it was a lot more difficult for me to go shopping, I was still able to because of the variety of the principles of design that stores use.

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